How Common Are Cold Sores (Fever Blisters) During Pregnancy? - MomJunction

Cold sores or fever blisters erupt inside the lips or cheeks, around the mouth, or near the nose and chin. These itchy and tingly sores might sometimes be painful too. Usually, cold sores are likely to disappear in a couple of weeks. But what happens when they occur during pregnancy? What should you do about them?

We tell you about it in this MomJunction post. Keep reading to know more about cold sores during pregnancy.

Are Cold Sores Common In Pregnancy?

Cold sores are usually caused by herpes simplex virusiA type of virus that affects the genital, anal area, or mouth (HSV), especially type 1 of the virus (1). Therefore, they are likely to be common in women who have experienced them in the past (2).

What Are The Causes Of Cold Sores During Pregnancy?

Citrus fruits can trigger the virus and cause cold sores

Image: IStock

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex viruses named HSV1 and HSV2. The virus transmits from one person to another through skin to skin contact during touching, sexual intimacy, kissing, or sharing contaminated items (3).

Once a woman has contracted the virus, the following risk factors could trigger the cold sore virus.

  • Hormonal changes that frequently rise and fall could make the body susceptible to viral infection, including a cold sore outbreak (4).
  • Psychological concerns, such as stress and fear could trigger the virus (5).
  • Certain foods (acidic, spicy, or salty), citrus fruits, exposure to the sun, and hot water could trigger the virus and cause cold sores (6).

Signs And Symptoms Of Cold Sores In Pregnancy

Cold sores during pregnancy may cause fever and sore throat

Image: Shutterstock

The common signs and symptoms that could indicate cold sores during pregnancy include:

  • Swelling of the lips
  • Small, painful blisters
  • Redness
  • Tiny bumps over your lips
  • Fever
  • Pains and aches
  • Sore throat

There are five stages of a cold sore where you might experience the above symptoms. Understanding the changes in each of these stages might help you take the right steps to prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body.

Stages Of Cold Sores

Stages of cold sores during pregnancy

The cold sores last for seven to 12 days, and during this time, they might progress in different stages (7).

Stage 1: The tingling stage

You may experience a tingling sensation for about a couple of days. The skin (inside your lips, on your lips, or inside the cheeks) might turn sore and red and might even swell and become itchy.

Stage 2: The blister stage

This stage lasts for about two days. During this stage, new blisters may form and spread to other parts in the absence of proper prenatal care.

Stage 3: The weeping stage

At this stage, the blisters may burst, and you might experience pain. The cold sores might scab over at this point.

Stage 4: The scabbing stage

The scabsiCrusty, dark red or brown layers that keep bacteria out of the wound while allowing the skin cells to recover may crack and even bleed. They could be itchy, but make sure you are not poking them.

Stage 5: The healing stage

In this stage, all the scabs flake off and disappear soon after. Even the scars slowly vanish.
Observe the progress of cold sores and treat them in time to prevent the infection from spreading.

Are Cold Sores Contagious?

The active Herpes virus can spread through lipsticks or cups

Image: Shutterstock

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), herpes infections are highly contagious when symptoms such as 'cold sores' are present (8). The virus may be passed from one person to another. If the bump ruptures, the active virus could spread via lipstick, cups, utensils, kissing, or through oral sex (9).

According to the UT Southwestern Medical Center, HSV 1 or the cold sore infection could pass from the infected person to the baby. This usually happens when the person kisses the baby or when the baby is touched after the cold sore is touched (10).

Therefore, it is important to treat the cold sore in pregnancy to prevent the virus from spreading to the baby after it is born. Herpes infection is mild for the mother but can be life-threatening for the baby.

protip_icon Point to consider
Pregnant women contracting herpes infection for the first time (primary infection) have a higher infection transmission rate. A newly infected mother doesn't have the antibodies to provide natural protection to the baby (2).

How To Treat Cold Sores In Pregnancy?

Home care measures for the sores might alleviate pain and discomfort. In some cases, medication may be necessary.

1. Home treatment

A mouthwash containing baking soda may reduce the soreness

Image: IStock

  • You may try some home remedies to ease the cold sore-related pain and discomfort
  • Placing a cold compress (wet, cool cloth, or towel) on the sores may help reduce the redness and pain.
  • A mouthwash containing baking soda may also reduce the soreness.
  • Apply sunscreen before going outside.

You may apply aloe vera gel or lip balm containing soothing ingredients on the sores.

2. Clinical medicine

Before you take any medication for cold sores in pregnancy, talk to your doctor. Ideally, antiviral medications are prescribed to treat cold sores. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, the common options include valacyclovir, famciclovir, and acyclovir (11). These fall under pregnancy category B medications of the US Food and Drug Administration.
If the cold sores get severe, the doctor may change the dose or prescribe other treatment.

Are Cold Sores An Early Sign Of Pregnancy?

Cold sores are common, and it is not uncommon for expecting women to experience them. But they may not be an early sign of pregnancy. A woman may get cold sores at any point during the gestationiThe period between conception and delivery of the baby period.

Are Cold Sores During Pregnancy Harmful To The Baby?

According to the Royal Hospital for Women, Australia, cold sores may not affect newborn babies. But they are infectious and should be treated in time, so they don't spread to the infant (1). However, if you have genital herpes, then there are chances of the virus transmitting to the baby during the process of childbirth (known as acquired herpes). This can be very dangerous for the baby. Hence, a cesarean section is indicated to avoid contact of the baby with the cold sores.

protip_icon Did you know?
Neonatal herpes infection may result in viral meningitisiA swelling of the linings that protect the brain and spinal cord . However, it occurs in less than 1% of births, and the development of meningitis from HSV-1 infection is quite rare (10).

1. Can pregnancy flare-up cold sores?

Pregnancy modulates the immune system, and women who have herpes may have an increased risk of outbreaks of cold sores during pregnancy (12) (13).

2. Can pregnancy hormones cause cold sores?

Cold sores may be triggered due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or menstruation in women already exposed to the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) (14).

3. Can I use Abreva for cold sores while pregnant?

The manufacturer's instruction states that Abreva is not recommended for treating cold sores in pregnant or lactating women unless advised by a doctor (15).

4. Can I use cold sores cream when pregnant?

A doctor may prescribe cold sores creams containing aciclovir, an antiviral medication, for treating cold sores during pregnancy (2).

5. Are cold sores harmful to my baby during pregnancy?

Cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus in the mouth may not harm the unborn baby. However, if the mother has genital sores, the condition can pass on to the baby through skin contact during birth (16).

6. How can I boost my immunity to prevent cold sores during pregnancy?

Anecdotal studies suggest amino acid supplementation, limiting foods rich in arginine, such as nuts, peanuts and chocolates, using lemon balm, witch hazel, or vitamin E oils on the infected areas, and consuming flavonoid and vitamin C rich foods are likely to help prevent and remedy cold sores (17). However, little is known about their effectiveness and safety during pregnancy, requiring medical consultation.

7. Are there any long-term effects of having cold sores during pregnancy?

Leaving cold sores, especially in the genital area, unaddressed during pregnancy and not taking precautions can put the baby at risk of contracting the disease. This can lead to sensory problems, such as blindness and deafness or cause life-threatening symptoms in the baby (16). In rare cases of internal viral transmission to the baby, the mother is likely to have a higher risk for miscarriage and preterm delivery (18).

8. Do cold sores mean I have an STI?

Dr. Alan Lindemann, obstetrician and maternal mortality expert from North Dakota, says, "Cold sores are not considered to be STIs (sexually transmitted infections). However, one can still acquire HSV-1 during sexual activity due to close contact and kissing. Testing for oral herpes is generally not included in the standard STI panel. But genital herpes, whether it is HSV-1 or HSV-2, is considered to be an STI."

HSV1 and HSV2 can produce cold sores during pregnancy that can emerge inside the lips or cheeks, near the nose and chin, or around the mouth. The advancement and healing of cold sore stages may take over seven to twelve days, and in different stages. It is advised to avoid touching the sores when they erupt, follow a well-balanced diet, and get plenty of rest to avoid cold sores during pregnancy. Also, stay away from spicy meals and wash your hands frequently. Though cold sores are not a cause for concern during pregnancy, you should visit your doctor and have them treated as soon as possible.

Infographic: Precautions For Cold Sores When Pregnant And Postpartum

For most women who have experienced cold sores before, developing them while pregnant or after having a baby is not uncommon. If you are concerned that cold sores could impact your pregnancy or baby, the safety tips in this infographic could ease your worry and help you prevent them while pregnant, and protect your newborn from acquiring the infection.

cold sores during and after pregnancy (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Cold sores are blisters inside the mouth or near the nose, caused by the herpes simplex virus and commonly seen in women with past exposure.
  • The virus is contagious, and factors such as hormonal or psychological changes can trigger its occurrence in pregnant women.
  • It is not an alarming concern. You may try some effective home remedies or consult your ob/gyn for pregnancy-safe medications.


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Dr. Ben Abbes Taarji Hicham
Dr. Ben Abbes Taarji Hicham is a practicing obstetrician and gynecologist with around 20 years of experience in the field. Having worked in various Moroccan hospitals, he currently runs a private practice. Dr. Hicham specializes in rejuvenation and cosmetic gynecology, medically assisted reproduction, breast and gynecological cancers, HPV diseases, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, and hormonal disorders.

Read full bio of Dr. Ben Abbes Taarji Hicham


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