HPV Vaccine is also for Adults - Islands' Sounder
HPV Vaccine is also for Adults - Islands' Sounder HPV Vaccine is also for Adults - Islands' Sounder Can you get rid of HPV once you have it? What to know if a Pap test detects virus - TODAY Could we say ‘goodbye’ to cervical cancer by 2120? - Medical News Today HPV Vaccine is also for Adults - Islands' Sounder Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:30 AM PST Submitted by the Island Reproductive Health Initiative If you were born prior to 1980, you may have missed an important opportunity to receive the first vaccine for Human Papilloma Virus approved by the FDA. That was in 2006, but it only targeted teens aged 11-12 years old as being eligible. Shortly after, the FDA expanded the age range from 9-26 years. In 2018, the FDA expanded the age limit again for HPV vaccine to include adults up to 45 years old. HPV is a common, sexually transmitted infection often acquired soon after sexual debut. Ther...